Hustlefied: Hustle Culture & Class
Representation in Contemporary Art zine

Hustlefied: Hustle Culture & Class Representation in Fine Art zine by Julia Arredondo Columbia College Chicago MFA

Hustlefied: Hustle Culture & Class Representation in Contemporary Art is an independently produced zine based on my recently-completed graduate thesis for Columbia College Chicago. The zine explores the current gig economy in the United States and how that affects class representation in contemporary art. Currently out of print.

Zine details:

The zine is 8.5" x 9.5" in size and 36 pages in length. Hustlefied is photocopied in color and stapled on its side as a booklet. This is the first printing of the zine.

Copies are available for borrowing around the USA.

Promo video for the release of Hustlefied zine in 2020.