Bibliomancy is a divination method that uses books to examine the present and to possibly peek into the future.
Bibliomancy is a creative service I offer as an Artist-In-Residence that promotes community engagement through activating archive-oriented spaces in non-traditional ways. Investigating the library as a site for divination, my explorations of the archive are meant to be transient as I explore various collections around the country. I am a firm believer that
“the book chooses you” and I allow chance and curiosity to inform the experience of my bibliomancy sessions at each location.
The bibliomancy divination process involves choosing a passage at random from a select grouping of books and analyzing the meaning of that passage in relation to the inquirers situation. Bibliomancy is a historic divination method that is considered non-denominational.
Bibliomancy sessions are open to the public according to a set schedule that I organize. Attendees can make appointments with me and walk-ins are always welcome. Having a dedicated space in which to host is ideal, as this allows each participant the privacy of a personal reading. Readings generally take around 20-minutes to complete.

My traveling bibliomancy project was launched at the Columbia College Chicago Library as part of a year-long artist residency. Along with a set schedule, I hosted zine-making workshops and mounted an art show within their library space.