A New Love zine

A New Love zine by Julia Arredondo, Nando Espinosa Herrera, and Paul Schmidt

A New Love zine is a collaborative project by Julia Arredondo, Nando Espinosa Herrera, and Paul Schmidt. The zine was originally published by Curandera Press. Currently out of print.

A New Love zine cover curandera press

Zine details:

On the topic of love, new love, attraction, and natural magic; A New Love Zine is 5.5" x 9" inches in size and 6 pages in length. Printed by legendary pressman, Brad Freeman, at Columbia College Chicago, A New Love is an offset printed, full-color zine limited to a run of only 150.

A New Love zine was part of the El Zine: Contemporary Underground Archives exhibit at New York University. Check it out CLICK HERE

Copies are available for borrowing around the USA.